Thursday, 19 March 2015

5.1 PLN - Personal Learning Networks

On the 16th March 2015 in our DLT (digital learning technologies) class we where privileged to have a lecture (via Adobe connect) from guest speaker “Joyce Seitzinger" AKA Cats-Pyjamas, digital coach and master of digital learning everything!  

The topic: PLN Personal Learning Networks
PLNs are the 21st century way of tapping into collective knowledge, information and gaining feedback from people with similar interests. It connects people and professionals in many ways that enhance learning and education (Wikipedia, 2015). 

My reflection on the PLN lecture with Joyce Seitzinger: Giving thought to my own personal learning and the personal learning networks that I utilise, mine pales in comparison to Joyce's vast PLN's knowledge especially her moodle and twitter expertise. I would consider myself a newbie or "visitor" to PLN, although I do use youtube, linkedIn, google sites, facebook, twitter, blogger, email, moodle, pinterest, my lecturer, wiki and a few more. My PLN at present is both people and information based equally and the potential is unlimited! WOW! KA-BOOM!

These are PLN challenges I am currently working through as I progress through this course. Lets start with the inconcievable amount of information out there, we refer to it as "information bloat". When you are indated with information, decide what you want to connect to or be part of "as an actor" and refine your information sources and platforms. You can do this by browsing for resources using trusted sites, specific information streams and interest-only feeds and lists, to narrow down and only connect with knowledge leaders on specific topics. This will be your own efficient filter bubble. 

Continually work and grow your ePortfolio by adding relevant, meaningful content and share information that adds value to your learning network. 

Implement an effective intelligible electronic file management system, some example would include bookmarking, ever-note files and wiki. Don’t get caught up in the clutter! "Trim your bonsai tree" (Seitzinger, 2015).

To ensure you get things done....... keep good time management and work to a schedule with clear goals. Write clear outcomes for the day, month, year and allow yourself a set amount of time to grow your network, weather it be “I will only look "at topical RSS feeds or sources of information from trusted streams".  Balance and manage your PLN!

5.1.2   Diagram of my buzzy PLN

5.1.3 refer to

My top tips; refine credible streams, use knowledge leaders & sources, plan & ensure good file management using bookmarking tools, manage your time to get things done, create & manage your ePortfolio & share in your networks. Finally work smart and balance your learning, working and social networks. You can waste a lot of time very quickly and graze all day on information!!

My learning edge... by using these digital platforms daily, not only am I becoming more open and confident to PLN, I am beginning to really engage in these dimensions of learning. I feel it is not just about what you know, but what you can do with this knowledge above, that will really sort the men from the boys, or the "visitors from the residents". BOOM!


(Source: Google Images, Image by unknown)


Google Images. (2015). Personal learning network heart, Image. Retrieved from

Personal learning network. (2014, July 21). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 00:42, March 17, 2015, from

Seitzinger, J. (2015, March 16). Personal learning network (Lecture, via adobe connect) Retrieved from 2015 Discussion (Joyce/PLNs) 174MB @ 51min

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